BEGUN IN 1949 BY FR. JAMES KELLER, a Maryknoll priest, the annual Christopher Awards celebrate books, films and television shows that bring “positive and constructive values into the mainstream.” For uplifting summer reading, we recommend this year’s winners in the Books for Adults category:
The American Spirit: Who We Are and What We Stand For
Collected writings by historian David McCullough. Simon & Schuster
Convicted: A Crooked Cop, an Innocent Man, and an Unlikely Journey of Forgiveness and Friendship
By Andrew Collins, Jameel McGee and Mark Tabb. Waterbrook / Penguin Random House
The Choice: Embrace the Possible
Holocaust survivor Dr. Edith Eva Eger’s account of overcoming survivor’s guilt to become a therapist helping trauma patients. Scribner / Simon & Schuster
Dorothy Day: The World Will Be Saved by Beauty
Kate Hennessy’s stirring memoir of her grandmother, the great Catholic social activist. Scribner / Simon & Schuster
I’ll Push You: A Journey of 500 Miles, Two Best Friends, and One Wheelchair
By Patrick Gray and Justin Sheesuck. Tyndale House
Redeeming Ruth: Everything Life Takes, Love Restores
Meadow Rue Merrill’s account of adopting and raising an orphaned Ugandan boy with cerebral palsy. Hendrickson