WINTER 2018–2019
For gift-giving season, here is an assortment of volumes for a variety of readers.God Is Young
By Pope Francis, with interviewer Thomas Leoncini
Pope Francis remains a powerful writer on subjects of faith and humanity. Here, he shares his thoughts on and for young people at a pivotal time for the Church and for humankind. Random House
One Goal: A Coach, a Team and the Game That Brought Together a Divided Town
By Amy Bass
An influx of Somali Muslim refugees in a Maine town creates an uneasy divide until a high school soccer coach unites his team — and the town — around the beautiful game and values of love and acceptance. Hachette
Biography of Silence
By Pablo d’Ors
This Zen-influenced monograph by a Catholic priest, a literary phenomenon in Spain, gives a fascinating account of his struggle to surrender to quietness in order to free his soul. Parallax Press
The Year of Our Lord 1943: Christian Humanism in an Age of Crisis
By Alan Jacobs
In the waning days of World War II, some notable Christian writers, including C.S. Lewis, T.S. Eliot and W.H. Auden, warned that technocracy was threatening to overwhelm faith and leave the world vulnerable to amoral forces. Their perspective can illuminate the new crossroads that we face today. Oxford University Press
Sacred Space: The Prayer Book 2019
By The Irish Priests
Scripture and theology readings for every day of the year, curated and interpreted by priests of the Irish Province of the Society of Jesus. Yes, it’s available on the Internet; this is for those who prefer to pray with a book. Loyola Press